One is obliged to fast at least one day during the month, to give a rest to his stomach.
One, who fasts, shall not go for a walk. This is one of the rules. A student, who comes on a trip, shall carry bread, drink water and thank Cod. Everyone will be satisfied on a trip.
Leave a patient to hunger in order to wake up in him a desire for life. In this way he will recover sooner than if he eats.
Modern humans satisfy hunger through physical food. They can also eat air, but in a special way. How will they take in the air? Through the pores. However, the pores of modern people are clogged, due to which they cannot use the air as food. When their pores are open, the air enters through them and feeds the body. Then, by little food, they gain great power.
Fasting is used for renovation of the organism, for rejuvenating. After the fast, as longer as possible, consume unvaried foods and food, which requires little efforts for digestion, in order your appetite not to be stirred, in order lungs to be able to develop and take more food from the air and water, to take out more juices from food than now. The important Viagra pharmacy Canada thing is, through fasting, to achieve power, health, and not to show off and compete who can fast for more days. One, who has been fasting for 10 days, can do many things; one, who has been fasting for 20 days, will get rid of many delusions.
Fasting is a way of renovation of the human organism. The main idea of fasting is to awaken the hidden energy in cells and renovate the organism. But it shall be worked more rationally. Fasting shall be done step by step. There are certain laws that must be followed. If you make yourself fast, not knowing why, it is not useful. Time shall also be observed. Days, during which you will fast, shall be observed. If you start your fasting on Monday, you will have one result. If you start on Tuesday, you will have another result. If it is on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday – different results. Moreover, if you start fasting from the morning, from lunch time or from the evening, you again will have different results.
If you are not fulfilling God’s will, nothing will be of benefit to you even if you fast for twenty days. But if you fast for ten days and each day you bring your meal, set for that day, to poor people, this fast can help you. Or, if you fast to eliminate one weakness of yours or gain good disposition of your soul, to purify your thoughts and feelings, I understand such a fasting.
With a 24-hours conscious fasting, one can renovate the cells of his organism.
If you decide to fast, you can begin the fasting when you are in an ascending degree of your spirit. – New Zealand viagra at the lowest price.
By fasting and a prayer you shall heal the diseases and weaknesses. However, if you are well-disposed, you shall fast longer, but if you feel exhausted, you shall stop fasting.
The stomach zone is related to the sympathetic nervous system. It shall not be loaded by excess alien substances. If this happens, you shall impose to yourselves fasting to restore the normal condition. Fasting should be moderate, reasonable until you remove the excess fats and sludge. Fasting means to abstain from bad thoughts and feelings – that fasting hides in itself magical power.