The main function of AAT is to protect the lung tissue against proteolytic stress

October 16th, 2014 by admin | Permalink

Background: Severe -antitrypsin deficiency is a known genetic risk factor for COPD. Heterozygous (protease inhibitor [PI] MZ) individuals have moderately reduced serum levels of -antitrypsin, but whether they have an increased risk of COPD is uncertain.

Methods: We compared PI MZ and PI MM individuals in two large populations: a case-control study from Norway (n = 1,669) and a multicenter family-based study from Europe and North America (n = 2,707). We sought to determine whether PI MZ was associated with the specific COPD-related phenotypes of lung function and quantitative CT scan measurements of emphysema and airway disease Kamagra shop, go now.

Results: PI MZ was associated with a 3.5% lower FEV/FVC ratio in the case-control study (P = .035) and 3.9% lower FEV1/vital capacity (VC) ratio in the family study (P = .009). In the case-control study, PI MZ also was associated with 3.7% more emphysema on quantitative analysis of chest CT scans (P = .003). The emphysema result was not replicated in the family study. PI MZ was not associated with airway wall thickness or COPD status in either population. Among subjects with low smoking exposure (< 20 pack-years), PI MZ individuals had more severe emphysema on chest CT scan than PI MM individuals in both studies.

Conclusions: Compared with PI MM individuals, PI MZ heterozygotes had lower FEV/(F)VC ratio in two independent studies. Our results suggest that PI MZ individuals may be slightly more susceptible to the development of airflow obstruction than PI MM individuals.

Abbreviations: AAT = cq-antitrypsin; BD = bronchodilator; FEV1/(F)VC = FEV/FVC or FEV/vital capacity ratios; HU = Hounsfield units; ICGN = International COPD Genetics Network; %LAA950 = percent low attenuation areas <-950 Hounsfield units; PI = protease inhibitor; SRWA-Pi10 = square root of wall area at internal perimeter of 10 mm; VC = vital capacity.

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Severe a antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency is a known genetic risk factor for COPD,  but severe deficiency only accounts for about 1% to 2% of all COPD cases. AAT is a protease inhibitor (PI) encoded by the SERPINA1 locus on chromosome 14q32.1. The main function of AAT is to protect the lung tissue against proteolytic stress, primarily by inactivation of the enzyme neutrophil elastase. More than 100 alleles at the PI locus have been described, most of them quite rare.

Treatment by Food

October 6th, 2014 by admin | Permalink

One is obliged to fast at least one day during the month, to give a rest to his stomach.

One, who fasts, shall not go for a walk. This is one of the rules. A student, who comes on a trip, shall carry bread, drink water and thank Cod. Everyone will be satisfied on a trip.

Leave a patient to hunger in order to wake up in him a desire for life. In this way he will recover sooner than if he eats.

Modern humans satisfy hunger through physical food. They can also eat air, but in a special way. How will they take in the air? Through the pores. However, the pores of modern people are clogged, due to which they cannot use the air as food. When their pores are open, the air enters through them and feeds the body. Then, by little food, they gain great power.

Fasting is used for renovation of the organism, for rejuvenating. After the fast, as longer as possible, consume unvaried foods and food, which requires little efforts for digestion, in order your appetite not to be stirred, in order lungs to be able to develop and take more food from the air and water, to take out more juices from food than now. The important Viagra pharmacy Canada thing is, through fasting, to achieve power, health, and not to show off and compete who can fast for more days. One, who has been fasting for 10 days, can do many things; one, who has been fasting for 20 days, will get rid of many delusions.

Fasting is a way of renovation of the human organism. The main idea of fasting is to awaken the hidden energy in cells and renovate the organism. But it shall be worked more rationally. Fasting shall be done step by step. There are certain laws that must be followed. If you make yourself fast, not knowing why, it is not useful. Time shall also be observed. Days, during which you will fast, shall be observed. If you start your fasting on Monday, you will have one result. If you start on Tuesday, you will have another result. If it is on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday – different results. Moreover, if you start fasting from the morning, from lunch time or from the evening, you again will have different results.

If you are not fulfilling God’s will, nothing will be of benefit to you even if you fast for twenty days. But if you fast for ten days and each day you bring your meal, set for that day, to poor people, this fast can help you. Or, if you fast to eliminate one weakness of yours or gain good disposition of your soul, to purify your thoughts and feelings, I understand such a fasting.

With a 24-hours conscious fasting, one can renovate the cells of his organism.

If you decide to fast, you can begin the fasting when you are in an ascending degree of your spirit. – New Zealand viagra at the lowest price.

By fasting and a prayer you shall heal the diseases and weaknesses. However, if you are well-disposed, you shall fast longer, but if you feel exhausted, you shall stop fasting.

The stomach zone is related to the sympathetic nervous system. It shall not be loaded by excess alien substances. If this happens, you shall impose to yourselves fasting to restore the normal condition. Fasting should be moderate, reasonable until you remove the excess fats and sludge. Fasting means to abstain from bad thoughts and feelings – that fasting hides in itself magical power.

The quality of penile erectile function was categorized

October 3rd, 2014 by admin | Permalink

Subjective Sexual Function

The subjects provided sexual histories to a trained interviewer regarding the following: (1) frequency of sexual intercourse, (2) level of interest in sexual activity, (3) observation of spontaneous morning erections, and (4) quality of penile erections (duration and firmness). Changes in these parameters were recorded as percentage of the level of function at the time of the study vs the level of function just prior to the onset of severe exertional dyspnea (premoibid level). The observation of morning erections was recorded as same, decreased, or absent. The quality of penile erectile function was categorized as follows:

0. No change in firmness or duration of erection from die premorbid state.

1. Slight or moderate decrease in firmness or duration but no difficulty completing coitus.

2. Firm to semifirm erections capable of intromission but with as much as 75 percent reduction in duration. Subject is usually able to complete coitus.

3. Firm to semifirm erection that detumesces after intromission, frequently before climax.

4. Semifirm erection, much shortened in duration, usually not able to achieve intromission, occasional short-duration, firm erections.

5. Usually flaccid penis with occasional short-duration, semifirm erections or no erections at all.

Objective Erectile Function

Mercury-filled Silastic strain gauges placed at the tip and base of the penis and connected to a tumescence monitor (Event Systems) were used during three nights of polygraphic monitoring to evaluate erectile function objectively. Sleep stages were recorded by EEC and scored according to criteria of Rechtschaffen and Kales. Tumescence studies were scored according to criteria of Karacan et al and Fisher et al. Full erections required a circumferential change exceeding 16 mm or 80 percent of a maximal erection measured at the tip. The duration of full erections was reported as the time from initial deflection to the time of return to baseline (Fig 1). If the subject had no full nocturnal erections or an average of less than one full erection lasting at least five minutes per night of monitoring he was considered to have organogenic impotence.

Coping with Sperm Banking

September 10th, 2014 by admin | Permalink

The importance of having choices

Parents generally felt the introduction of fertility preservation had been done well but also suggested improvements. The parents of a learning disabled young man were neither asked to mediate nor to advise staff about appropriate language to use:

  • I think, with hindsight, it might have been better if they had explained to us first…they actually direct everything towards the patient. So they don’t actually direct anything towards the parents. The parent’s more outside looking in because that’s the way they run their treatment. (Father)

Of the four who banked, none remembered having a choice about where to produce the sample, for example at home, on the ward or at the sperm bank. Two had a choice about who to accompany them to the unit and were happy with their arrangements (both were accompanied by female family members). The other two were not offered a choice and were unhappy (one accompanied by a female family member and one by a male nurse). Lack of choice made it difficult for them to feel safe or supported in the way that worked best for them.

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All four had views about the room itself. Professionals had wondered about whether to offer ‘girlie’ magazines. The two youngest at the time of banking both thought it was good to make them available, one did not and the fourth did not comment. One was concerned at the lack of privacy in the room whereas another (in a different centre) felt safe as it had an inside lock, window blinds and was soundproof. One had to use an unstable pot (which tipped over with the sample in it) as no alternative was offered. The need for a preagreed system for checking progress from time to time was also identified.

The pressure of decision-making and consenting

Although investigations ranged from a few weeks to eight months, few if any expected a cancer diagnosis and none knew beforehand that fertility may be affected by cancer treatment. However, the actual process of decision-making was experienced as relatively straightforward, even though pressured, and was seen as primarily about maintaining a route to fatherhood later in life buy doxycycline online.

Some remembered having to make the decision ‘on the spot’, with the longest time allowed being a week. As newly diagnosed patients, they were in shock and being given a lot of information in unfamiliar terms and language. Many found this affected their ability to handle the information and the decision. Three, including two who refused the offer, coped by putting the banking issues to the back of their mind:

  • …you were getting told so much. You kind of had to put some things to the back of your mind and had to concentrate on some…and I think I kind of blanked it out… I wasn’t thinking that far ahead. Just take one day at a time and then see what happens. (16 at diagnosis)

Outcome of Psychological Treatments for ED

June 24th, 2014 by admin | Permalink

Price et al. used a comprehensive group ED treatment with men without partners that included a ban on intercourse, education about sexual response, sensate focus techniques, and other strategies to enhance sexual arousal and communication. They found improvement in erectile response, as well as enhanced “sexual self-image.” Treatment gains were maintained at a 6-month follow-up. Another study by this group examined the effectiveness of a group treatment that included education, group discussions, and communication skills training for men without partners who presented with ED. They also found a statistically significant decrease in reported erectile difficulties.

In a study of men with ED and their partners Goldman and Carroll used a group format that focused on: education about normal sexual response, enhancing the couple’s comfort and communication about sex, and increased acceptance of the partner’s sexual difficulties. The couples in the treatment group showed greater increases in sexual satisfaction than the control group.

A review of psychological treatments for ED involved a reexamination and meta-analysis of controlled studies over the past 30 years. The review included eleven studies that met the criteria for empirically sound clinical trials. Melnik and colleagues drew several conclusions based on the results of the review. First, groups receiving sex therapyfocused treatment showed greater efficacy for the treatment of ED than did the control groups receiving no treatment. Second, there were no clear differences in the outcome based on age, relationship status, or severity. However, men with secondary ED, i.e., those who had developed ED after a period of normal erectile function, tended to respond better to treatment than did men with primary (i.e., lifelong) ED. Third, studies that compared psychological treatment with vacuum pump devices and intracavernosal injections did not show clear differences between the two treatments, though both the medical and psychosocial treatments were found to be effective.

Finally, the reviewers also examined several studies which compared psychological treatment in combination with sildenafil with medication alone. The meta-analysis showed that men with ED randomized to the combined treatment showed significantly greater improvement and lower dropout rates than men with the medication alone.

A small study by Melnik compared the standard sex therapy approach to the treatment with sildenafil alone. This study found a statistically significant greater improvement in erectile function in the sex therapy group, which continued at the 3-month follow-up. There was also a significantly lower dropout rate in the psychological treatment group.

A number of studies of the outcome of sex therapy have included bibliotherapy, i.e., books that provide education and self-treatment strategies. Results suggest that book-based, self-help forms of treatment are a beneficial adjunct to medical or psychological treatment. There are several recommended books that have been writ-ten by respected sex therapists. Most therapists have found that treatment outcome is enhanced if both members of the couple are involved, though treatments for single men have also been found to be effective.

In sum, psychological treatments for ED have been demonstrated to be effective in group, couple, and individual treatment formats. Most of the studies have used an integrated sex therapy model that combines education, anxiety reduction, a temporary ban on sexual intercourse, enhanced communication and graduated steps of sexual activity. Heiman and Meston’s review of empirically validated treatment for sexual dysfunction offers support for some of the long-standing approaches to these disorders. Using the criteria of the American Psychological Association Task Force on empirically validated treatments, they found that psychological treatments were “well established” for erectile disorder in men. It remains unclear, which of these components of treatment is most effective, though most components have been shown to be effective by themselves. More research is needed to identify the most effective and efficient psychological approaches to the treatment of ED.

ED as a Predictor of Occult CAD

May 26th, 2014 by admin | Permalink

Erectile dysfunction is now a recognized marker for cardiovascular disease as a result of several studies. The artery size hypothesis has been used to explain how ED acts as a silent marker of vascular disease elsewhere in the body, and more significantly as a marker of CAD.

Artery size varies considerably according to location within the vascular system.

For example, the lumen of the penile arteries is considerably smaller (1–2 mm) compared with that of the coronary (3–4 mm), carotid (5–6 mm), and femoral (6–8 mm) arteries. Because of their smaller size, the same level of plaque burden and/or endothelial dysfunction has a greater effect on blood flow through the penile arteries than through the coronary, carotid, and femoral arteries. Therefore the clinical manifestations of penile endothelial dysfunction (ED) may become evident before the consequences of coronary or peripheral vascular disease. By the time the lumen of the larger arteries become significantly obstructed (>50%), the penile blood flow may have already decreased considerably, which explains why so many men with CAD have ED.

Thus on the basis of artery size hypothesis and the fact that the endothelium is the same throughout the arterial tree, a malfunction in the penile arteries causing ED may be a predictor of silent subclinical cardiovascular disease (CVD). Furthermore, because an acute coronary syndrome often arises as the result of the rupture of a subclinical plaque, the presence of ED may also be an early warning sign of an acute event as well as being a manifestation of advanced obstructive CAD.

In 1999, Pritzker presented a preliminary report entitled “The penile stress test: A window to the hearts of man”. He reviewed the results of exercise stress testing, risk factor profiles, and, in selected cases, angiography in 50 men with ED, who had no cardiac symptoms or past history. Multiple cardiovascular risk factors were present in 80%. Exercise tests positive for ischemia were found in 28 of the 50 men. Coronary angiography was performed in 20 men and revealed left main stem or severe three-vessel disease in 6 men, moderate two-vessel disease in 7 men, and significant single-vessel disease in 7 men. This study identi-fied the significant incidence of occult coronary disease in cardiologically asymptomatic men presenting with ED to a urological service. Others have reported similar findings and noted the occurrence of ED before cardiac symptoms developed. In a study comparing the velocity of cavernosal artery blood flow with the presence of ischemic heart disease in men with ED, a low peak systolic velocity (PSV) predicted the presence of CAD. A PSV below 35 cm/s was associated with CAD in 41.9% of men and above 35 cm/s in only 3.7% of men.

In support of this concept, a series of 300 patients with acute chest pain and angiographically proven CAD were evaluated with a semi-structured interview to assess their medical and sexual histories prior to presentation. The prevalence of ED among these patients was 49% (n = 147). In these 147 men with both ED and CAD, ED was experienced before CAD symptoms in 99 patients (67%). The mean time interval between the occurrence of ED and the occurrence of CAD was 38.8 months (range: 1–168 months). Interestingly, all men with ED and type 1 diabetes developed sexual dysfunction before the onset of CAD symptoms. The authors do point out the absence of a control group with CAD and normal erections, but their findings clearly identify the need to assess cardiovascular risk in all males presenting with ED without obvious psychosexual etiology, especially in patients with diabetes.

Shock terapy to treat Erectile Dysfunctions

April 29th, 2014 by admin | Permalink

A recent study says that a shock therapy to your private parts can actually restore erection. Before you get a shock after reading the above line, be informed that these are just low energy sound waves and it does not hurt your private parts.

This study has found out that a shock wave to your private parts can actually restore your erection. Men, don’t worry as these are very, very low energy shocks with a pressure of just 100 bar. These shock waves are basically extracorporeal shock wave therapy. This therapy were initially used to treat Kidney stones and researchers found out that these low intensity sound waves actually improved blood flow to the heart and increased blood vessel growth. Due to the feature of this therapy, scientist experimented this for patients with erectile dysfunction as well.

This particular study was conducted on 29 men with an average age of 61 years with severe case of erectile dysfunction. These men underwent 12 shock therapy sessions over a period of nine weeks. In each of these sessions, 300 shocks were given to the men over a time of three minutes and all these shock treatments were done in 5 different points on the shaft of the penis. After a time span of two months, the men were surveyed with regards to their sexual functionality and it was found out that out of 29 men, 8 men were said to have a quite normal sex life and the remaining had their problems reduced to a great extent.

This therapy is given by a device that comfortingly perhaps look likes a computer mouse which passes on sound waves at a very low pressure. These shocks do not pose any injury to the penis nor do they claim to have any side effects. Their theory began with the knowledge that low-intensity shocks can stimulate the development of new blood vessels. It was not perhaps that far a reach to figure out that such shock waves could help men grow new blood vessels in their malfunctioning organs.

But still the debating point of this therapy lies in the acceptance of this therapy by medical practitioners as the trial has been done only on 29 males and it cannot be concluded that the therapy actually treated these men. One scientist had to say that” the result might also be a possible affect of the placebo” and he could be right as well. Even if the benefits of extracorporeal shock wave therapy are confirmed by future research, the therapy may never be mainstream treatment for Erectile Dysfunction as this treatment puts a scare in the minds of patient and they might find difficult to accept this treatment.

In fact the available treatment for Erectile Dysfunction by Australian medicines like Generic Viagra at, Tadalis are very effective and safe . Moreover the reliability on drugs such as Generic Viagra has been documented very well because of its long term use by patients. Psychologically a man will prefer popping a blue pill like Generic Viagra rather than exposing his private parts to machines for a shock treatment.

A new study says shock therapy to male organs can cure erectile dysfunction. Don’t get shocked read this to know more about the research. Shocking the penis with sound waves may help those who have severe erectile dysfunction that has not respond well to drug treatments, a new study finds. Among men in the study, “extracorporeal shock wave therapy”

Shock therapy for treating erectile dysfunction borrows from the shock (sound wave) therapy commonly use to breakup kidney stones. In a recent study, researchers have found that applying sound waves to the penis is an effective way to treat erectile dysfunction in men who are not responsive to erectile dysfunction medications such as

Sciatica Can Hit Anyone

June 13th, 2013 by admin | Permalink

When you leg is numb, having tingling, feels weak, or has pain there is chance sciatica is to blame. There is a nerve in the back that can have too much pressure on it or it could be injured. This condition is actually caused by something else in the back that has been injured or inflamed.

When the sciatica nerve is hurt the lower body will pay the price. The nerve is actually located in your lower spine. It runs all way down each leg in the back and is responsible for controlling muscles in your knees, lower legs, and your back. The nerve also is also responsible for providing sensation to your back part of the thigh, some of your lower leg, along with the sole of your feet.

Some of the more common reasons for the nerve to flare are a slipped disk in the back, a syndrome called piriformis (the buttocks have a narrow muscle that is experiencing a pain disorder. It could be tumors in the body or if the pelvic has been injured or fractured.

Usually when the pain strikes it will just be on one side of the body. There could be numbness in some parts of the body while sharp pains will usually hit the hip or parts of the leg. Pain or numbness can also go to the calf or you sole on the feet. Even though sciatica will start slow it could be worse after sitting, standing, during the night, while laughing, coughing, or even sneezing. It could be extremely bad when walking of if you bend backwards.

In order for the nerve to properly be treated you will have to find out what caused it to flare to begin with. There are some tests the doctor will run in order to narrow down the problem. They could do blood work, have some X-rays done, or even send you to the MRI machine.

While waiting for the results there are some things that can be done in order to reduce the inflammation. Rotate between hot and cold on the back to help with the swelling. An over the counter pain reliever such as Tylenol or ibuprofen can help with reducing the inflammation around the nerve.

One of the worst things that can be done with sciatica is crawling in the bed for days. Instead try reducing your activities for a few days then slowly start increasing your activities daily.


June 10th, 2013 by admin | Permalink

In ancient times, an insane person was often thought to be possessed by the devil or being punished by God for his sins. As a consequence, beating, bleeding, starvation, hot- and cold-water shock treatment, and incarceration were widely practiced on mental patients, which only worsened their conditions. In the eighteenth century, the Enlightenment heralded the birth of psychiatry, among many other things. During the French Revolution, Philippe Pinel, a warden in an insane asylum in Paris, advocated unchaining the mental patients. He argued, “It is my conviction that these mentally ill are intractable only because they are deprived of fresh air and of their liberty.”22 He persisted in replacing cruelty and inhumanity with kindness, understanding, and rational therapy. His humanitarian and philanthropic conviction led to the cure and release of many mental patients and had an enduring impact throughout Europe. Furthermore, Pinel also carried out a systematic investigation and documentation of mental diseases. He is now considered the “father of psychiatry.”

Although a certain stigma remains attached to mental illnesses, we have now amassed a tremendous amount of knowledge with regard to the impact of genetic, biochemical, and environmental factors on the human brain. Psychopharmacological drugs have significantly contributed to managing and understanding mental disease.

Schizophrenia is a mental condition associated with disordered thinking that is characterized by both positive symptoms, such as delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech and behavior, and negative symptoms, including apathy, withdrawal, lack of pleasure, and impaired attention.

Other symptom dimensions include depressive/anxious symptoms and aggressive symptoms such as hostility, verbal and physical abusiveness, and impulsiveness. Viagra online in Australia – cheap ed medications. Older mental drugs included opiates, belladonna derivatives, bromides, barbiturates, antihistamines, and chloral hydrates. Before chlorpromazine became available in 1962, early treatments of schizophrenia included prolonged narcosis, known as “narcosis for psychosis.” Meanwhile, history saw the emergence of excruciating treatments such as electroconvulsive therapy and shock introduced by fever, methiazole, and insulin. Austrian neurologist Julius Wagner von Jauregg invented the fever-shock treatment by introducing malaria in patients with psychosis and won the 1927 Nobel Prize in Medicine. Additionally, Egaz Moniz received the 1936 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his invention of lobotomy to introduce an organic syndrome for the treatment of schizophrenia. The genesis of chlorpromazine is similar to that of imipramine and can be traced back to antihistamines, first discovered by Daniel Bovet at the Institut Pasteur de Paris in 1937. Unfortunately, Bovet’s antihistamine proved to be too toxic.

In 1944, a group of scientists at Rhone- Poulenc Laboratories, led by chemist Paul Charpentier, began a program of systematically searching for safer antihistamines. Their starting point was older antihistamines: diphenhydramines in general and Benadryl in particular. In time, they successfully synthesized and marketed an antihistamine, promethazine. The molecule was an interesting hybrid consisting of phenothiazine, a moiety related to an antiparkinsonian agent, and a diamine side chain associated with the antihistamines. Similar to most antihistamines, promethazine had side effects in the central nervous system, which were mild antipsychotic properties. A surgeon in the French Navy, Henri Laborit, was looking for a compound with more central effects in his quest for a drug to treat surgical shock. Laborit found that promethazine was superior to other drugs, but its antishock effects were not pronounced enough. Intrigued by Laborit’s proposition, Charpentier sought to enhance promethazine’s “side effects” in the central nervous system. Structural activity relationship (SAR) investigations led to the synthesis of RP-3277 (chlorpromazine) in 1950. The structure of chlorpromazine differed only slightly from that of promethazine. Chlorpromazine had an extra chlorine atom and a slight difference in the diamine side chain. Viagra in Canada – trusted online pharmacy.

By the end of 1950 a sample of chlorpromazine was sent to Simone Courvoisier, the head of pharmacology at Rhone-Poulenc, for testing. She noted that rats dosed with chlorpromazine became “indifferent”: rats conditioned to climb a rope at the sound of a bell ignored the bell.